Leeds Parliamentary Unit Meeting

 Leeds Parliamentary Unit Meeting

Thursday, November 14 – 11:30 a.m. to 1 :00 p.m.

First Baptist Church, Leeds – Fellowship Hall

7481 Parkway Drive (directions are below)


Feel free to bring a sack lunch to enjoy during study time

Bring Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised 11th Edition (RONR)  – read Chapter III

(If you don’t have RONR, I have copies of the 10th edition to loan during the meeting.)

(If you don’t have time to read ahead, come on anyway!!!)


Bring prospective members with you!!!

Pass the word!  We hope to grow and grow.


If you have contact numbers for prospects or organizations that can pass it on to their members, call or email me!


Call me at 699-2440 or send via email with subject line:  parliamentary question.


                                           At this meeting we will need to:

                                                             adopt bylaws,

                                              sign a charter to form the unit,

                                                             elect officers,

                                                                pay dues..

During study time we will begin the study to become members

 of the National Association of  Parliamentarians (NAP)**. 

The first topic will be:  Motions. 

If you have a copy of RONR, go ahead and read Chapter III


**I will have available five copies of the study materials for the NAP Membership Examination.  They are $4 plus S&H. For additional copies, individuals can order directly from the NAP or from their web site or I can order more and bring them to the next meeting.


Directions to First Baptist Church, Leeds  (My cell is 531-3589)

From Birmingham:  Take Exit 140 off of I-20:  Turn right when you exit.  This will take you uphill towards downtown Leeds.  You will go through two traffic lights:  one at Rex Lake Road, just as you exit I-20

and one at President Street.  As you pass President Street, there is a Shell Service Station on the right and the new Leeds Fire Station on the left.  The highway begins to curve to the left.  Start watching!   Just as you begin to get to the top of the small rise (hill?), turn right into the First Baptist Church parking lot.  The first drive way takes you to the side of the church where the Fellowship Hall entry is.  If you miss that one, turn right into the drive that takes you in front of the church and just circle back.  The Fellowship entry is under the overhang.


From Exit 144 (the Moody Exit) – take the exit that directs you to Leeds.  This puts you on Highway 411/Ashville Rd.  Follow it towards Leeds.   Eventually, you will go under the railroad trestle, cross one set of tracks and get to a busy intersection.  Sonic, Leeds Elementary School, B.P. and Chevron are there!  You can’t miss it. Turn right onto Highway 78/Parkway Drive.


***You are now on Highway 78.  Go through one traffic light.  Watch on the right for Rusty’s Bar-B-Q and Dollar General.  The church is on the left.   Pass the first two drives (which go in front of the church) and take the next drive – just as the turn lane ends.  The Fellowship Hall entry is at the overhang.


From Highway 280 via Highway 119:  Stay on 119 until you get to Highway 78.  This is the intersection with Sonic on your right and the Elementary school on your left.  Turn left and follow the directions above starting at the asterisks ***.


From the Brompton Exit:  Turn left onto Highway 78 at the end of the exit ramp.  Stay on Highway 78. Go straight on through town.  Go on through the intersection where you see Sonic and the elementary school on your left and follow the directions above starting at ***.


Hope to see all of you there.

Grady Sue Saxon, R.P.