Congratulations 2020 Ambassador of the Year Bit Thomaston

It is with great pleasure to announce the 2020 Ambassador of the Year Award recipient – Elizabeth “Bit” Thomaston.  This award was presented to Bit by Leeds Area Chamber of Commerce Outgoing President, Dona Bonnett, via a personal visit in lieu of our annual awards luncheon.

Bit was previously employed with Lakeside Hospice and currently provides care for elderly family members.

Bit worked most Chamber and community events over the last two years with tremendous leadership and her dedication was instrumental to the continued success of this program.  She is also a volunteer with the Alzheimer’s Association and facilitates Alzheimer’s Dementia Monthly Support Groups.  The Leeds group normally meets at The Episcopal Church of the Epiphany, but due to COVID-19, all of these support groups are currently meeting online.

The Ambassador of the Year Award is presented each year to an Ambassador who participates in the Leeds Area Chamber of Commerce Corporate Ambassador Program and exemplifies volunteerism, attends chamber functions, volunteers for chamber activities, is very active among the Ambassadors and willing to help with any activities that may come along.

This program provides a roundtable that meets monthly to work on chamber and community projects and events while developing further relationships with Leeds area business professionals to network their prospective businesses.  It is a benefit of chamber membership open to any chamber member and currently meeting online.

Congratulations, Bit Thomaston, for being chosen 2020 Ambassador of the Year!

2020 Ambassador of the Year Bit Thomaston - Leeds Area Chamber of Commerce

For more information about the Chamber Ambassador Program, please contact Sandra McGuire at (205) 699-5001.

#ambassadoroftheyear #leedsareachamber