Leeds Outreach Christmas for Children

Leeds Outreach

Leeds Outreach

Leeds Outreach Christmas for Children still have about 100 children left on our list that need a sponsor to purchase Christmas gifts (toys and clothing) for them. These parents who have applied are clients of the Leeds Outreach and are eligible for assistance by our organization. Would you contact us at 699-7291 between 9 and 11:30 Monday through Thursday if you individually or as a business would sponsor a child. This would require you buy from items listed on the child’s wish list, costing about $150-$200.

We also can use extra new toys or clothing items for ages 2-14 boys and girls. During the holiday season we are also in need of donations of money and food to insure that no family is without food for Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Thanks to all the churches, businesses and individuals that continue to support the Leeds Outreach all year!

Barbara Higginbotham, Director
Leeds Outreach


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