Leeds Outreach Food Project

Friends of LO:

The DWG grocery store on Parkway Drive in Leeds is participating in a project to sell sacks for $5 and it has food items (worth the $5) that are going to be donated to Leeds Outreach Food Pantry. Since the food is being donated to Leeds Outreach, a 501[c][3] charity, your $5 receipt is proof of a charitable donation for your Federal income tax return.  The manager David Rowe plans to sell these sacks through the holiday season to benefit our food bank.  Please go by the store and purchase a sack of food for the Leeds Outreach while you shop for your groceries.  Help a needy family right here in Leeds have a better holiday season.

Please tell your friends, announce in your place of worship or your business about this opportunity to help your neighbors.

Wishing you a blessed Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas.

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Barbara Higginbotham, Director

Leeds Outreach
