Ambassador of the Year

<center><em>Phillip Samuels - 2022 Ambassador of the Year - pictured with Randell Pickering</center></em>
Phillip Samuels - 2022 Ambassador of the Year - pictured with Randell Pickering

The Ambassador of the Year Award is awarded to a person who participates in the Leeds Area Chamber of Commerce Corporate Ambassador Program that exemplifies volunteerism, attends chamber functions, such as Ribbon Cuttings, Business After Hours, Ground Breakings, etc., volunteers for Chamber activities, is very active among the Ambassadors, and is willing to help with any activities that may come along.

The recipient of this award is chosen by the Board of Directors.   The announcement of the Winner is made at the Chamber’s Annual Meeting in front of all of the attendees in January.

In recognition of this accomplishment the Ambassador of the Year receives the following:

  • An engraved plaque or trophy
  • Picture displayed on the website for one year with name, title and employer
  • Recognition and picture in the local paper(s) immediately following the event
  • Upon request, a press release suitable for use in industry publications, to hang on a wall or to send to business sections of the newspaper

For more information about how you can participate in the Leeds Area Chamber of Commerce Corporate Ambassador Program, please contact Amy Lee, Executive Director at 205.699.5001 -

Ambassador of the Year award Leeds Area Chamber of Commerce Leeds Alabama
2021 Ambassador of the Year Randell Pickering from Mills Pharmacies Leeds
Randell Pickering - 2021 Ambassador of the Year with Chamber Executive Director Sandra McGuire
2020 Ambassador of the Year Bit Thomaston - Leeds Area Chamber of Commerce
2020 Ambassador of the Year - Elizabeth "Bit" Thomaston
Leeds Area Chamber of Commerce Ambassador of the Year Award 2019 L-R: Pat Shipp - Moody Miracle League, Chamber President Dona Bonnett, Chamber Diplomat Sam Sertell
Pat Shipp - Ambassador of the Year Award 2019
Donna Coates was presented with the Ambassador of the Year Award for her volunteer work with Leeds Corporate Ambassador Program and serving as the Chairperson this year.
Donna Coates - Ambassador of the Year 2018
Gary Hamm, Ambassador of the Year 2017 for the Leeds Area Chamber of Commerce Leeds Alabama
Gary Hamm - Ambassador of the Year 2017
Ambassador of the Year – Randell Pickering (The Village at Cook Springs)
Randell Pickering - Ambassador of the Year 2016
Anne Glidewell of Covenant Bank presented the Ambassador of the Year award to Christy Ellard with Chick-fil-A -Leeds Area Chamber of Commerce Annual Awards Luncheon 2015
Christy Ellard - Ambassador of the Year 2015
2013 Ambassador of the Year Award presented to Dona Bonnett with adr Business & Marketing Strategies on Friday, January 24, 2014 by Leeds Area Chamber of Commerce at annual banquet
Dona Bonnett 2013 & 2014 Ambassador of the Year Award

Leeds Area Chamber of Commerce is 'Leeding' the Way


7901 Parkway Drive
P. O. Box 900
Leeds, Alabama 35094

Ofc: 205.699.5001
Cell: 659.297.5644

Email Us

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