Corporate Ambassador Program

Above pictured are some of our 2023 Chamber Ambassadors along with several board members and Chamber Executive Director. Our Corporate Ambassadaors serve on different Chamber committees and have the ability to help us mold our chamber to better serve you!
The Corporate Ambassador Program is a great opportunity for your business to provide at least one staff members to participate as an Ambassador to represent you and your company at every Chamber event as an additional Chamber benefits.
Every business who has an active Chamber Membership is eligible to participate in this program. Individual Chamber Members are also eligible and encouraged to participate.
Ambassadors meeting monthly on the third Wednesday of each month at 12:00 Noon at Mango's Cantina & Grill, unless otherwise specified. Lunch is $10 and an RSVP is required. In addition to covering Chamber business and assignments at each meeting, business building information is shared and each attendee is given a few moments to share information about themselves and their company. Our Corporate Ambassador Program is a fabulous way to get involved and have greater input into our Chamber programs and services.

Sandra McGuire, Executive Director, educating Corporate Ambassadors

Sandra McGuire, Executive Director, educating Corporate Ambassadors
Benefits of Being an Ambassador:
- Name Recognition & visibility for your business
- Leadership opportunities with the Chamber & community
- Knowledge of & involvement in upcoming community events
- Opportunity to participate in many business, civic and community events & projects
- Opportunities to interact with new businesses in Leeds area
- Greater opportunity for input to the Chamber
- Exclusive opportunities & priority invitations to community activities & events
- Increased business exposure
- Increased top of mind awareness for your company
- Award recognition (eligible for Ambassador of the Year award given at annual meeting)
- Written recognition through Chamber eblasts & other Chamber publicity
- Opportunity to build rewarding & lasting relationships with other business professionals & Chamber staff

2016 Corporate Ambassadors

2020 Corporate Ambassadors
Are you a business professional or individual interested in participating as a Corporate Ambassador? Download and submit a Corporate Ambassador Application direct to Sandra McGuire at the Chamber.
For more information about the Corporate Ambassador Program, please contact Amy Lee, Executive Director, at 205.699.5001, 659.297.5644 or / Dona Bonnett, 2023-2024 Corporate Ambassador Chairperson, at 256.345.3993.
Leeds Area Chamber of Commerce is 'Leeding' the Way
7901 Parkway Drive
P. O. Box 900
Leeds, Alabama 35094
Ofc: 205.699.5001
Cell: 659.297.5644