Leeds Arts Council Theatre Events May 2014

Leeds Arts Council Theatre Events May 2014!

Reserve your Tickets NOW!
The Community Chorus Spring Concert

Leeds City of Valor

Saturday, May 17, 2014 @ 7:00pm
Sunday, May 18, 2014 @ 2:00pm

Join us for a collection of
Songs & Stories
From World War II
Tickets $10.00

The Leeding Ladies and the Leeds Connection

at the
Leeds Theatre and Arts Center
8140 parkway Drive, Leeds, AL 35094

Call 205-699-1892
Poetry Meeting – Monday, May 19 at 7pm

Dear Poets,

Our scheduled meeting falls on Memorial Day evening, so we will change the meeting to Monday, May 19. That’s less than two weeks away! I hope this will be convenient for you.

Leeds Area Open Circle Poets
Monday, May 19, 7:00 pm
Leeds Arts Center in Downtown Leeds
8140 Parkway Drive, Leeds 35094 Refreshments served!

Please bring copies of your poems, if you can. If you need a suggestion to get started, here it is – – in two parts.
a) Write a haiku.
b) Then write a longer poem about the same subject as the haiku.

It may or may not be so easy, but I’m going to give it a try. Just in case you’ve forgotten about haiku, I’ve included information from Creative Writing Now. Visit the website for more examples and for photos to inspire your haiku and poems.


What is haiku?
Haiku is a Japanese poetry form. A haiku uses just a few words to capture a moment and create a picture in the reader’s mind. It is like a tiny window into a scene much larger than itself.

Traditionally, haiku is written in 3 lines, with 5 syllables in the first line, 7 syllables in the second line, and 5 syllables in the third line.

Haiku examples
Here’s a haiku poem written by a poetry student:
The last winter leaves
Clinging to the black branches
Explode into birds.

Characteristics of haiku
The following are typical of haiku:
• A focus on nature.
• A “season word” such as “snow” which tells the reader what time of year it is.
• A division somewhere in the poem, which focuses first on one thing, than on another. The relationship between these two parts is sometimes surprising.
• Instead of saying how a scene makes him or her feel, the poet shows the details that caused that emotion. If the sight of an empty winter sky made the poet feel lonely, describing that sky can give the same feeling to the reader.
Ideas, questions? Email or call me at 401-7077.
Are you BORED????
Then you should come to our
BOARD meeting!!!
Everyone is invited to attend the Board of Directors meeting
of the Leeds Arts Council, Inc.
NOW is the time to get more involved in serving
the Leeds Community
through the Theatre and Arts
Monday, May 12 at 6pm
8140 Parkway Drive, Leeds, AL 35094
Call for more info : 205-699-1892
Community News
Neon Night Donut Dash
Glow in the Dark Family Fun Run 5K with Blacklight AfterParty
at Moody City Park, Saturday, May 17th
Registration at 7pm – Race begins at 8pm
Prizes for Best Costume!
Register at www.active.com
Adults – $35
Kids 12 & Under – $15
Kids 3 & Under Free with Adult
Late Registrations (race week) $40
Pamela Ayres
Leeds Arts Council

This message is brought to you by the Leeds Area Chamber of Commerce, Leeds, Alabama. For more information about the Chamber and how the Chamber can help you promote your business or event, please contact Sandra McGuire, Executive Director, at 205.699.5001.