Leeds Area Chamber of Commerce Nominations & Voting for Chamber Board of Directors
Leeds Area Chamber of Commerce Nominations & Voting for Chamber Board of Directors
Please note that any chamber member/business may also submit nominations to fill any of these positions by January 17, 2014. If there are no further nominations, the following nominees will be elected. Please submit to the chamber office at P.O. Box 900 Leeds, AL 35094 or drop off at 7901 Parkway Drive Leeds, AL.
Notice of the slate of nominees as approved by the Board of Directors is hereby given as follows:
2nd Vice-President – Brad Pool of Farmers Financial Services
Board Members to serve a 3 year term:
Vicky Dean – Laney’s Restaurant
Roslyn Rodda – Outlet Shops of Grand River
Rick Parker – Lehigh Cement Company
All other officers and board members were elected to designated terms therefore do not require additional voting.
The Board of Directors have tried to keep a good balance which represent industry, commerce, professional and geographical areas of Leeds as board members.
Sandra McGuire
Executive Director
Leeds Area Chamber of Commerce
(205) 699-5001
(205) 699-1777 fax