Tax Free Weekend 2014

Once again, cities and counties across Alabama are welcoming the new school year with the annual back-to-school sales tax holiday tax free weekend 2014.

From Friday, Aug. 1, 2014, through midnight on Sunday, Aug. 3, 2014, shoppers will be able to purchase clothing and other back-to-school necessities free of state sales tax.

Tax Free Weekend 2014

You may view the City of Leeds resolution and the state list of cities participating.  The City of Leeds will participate!  Thank you to our Mayor and Council!

The attached resolution was passed in May and this link will take you to the Cities participating this year.

This message is brought to you by the Leeds Area Chamber of Commerce, Leeds, Alabama. For more information about the Chamber and how the Chamber can help you promote your business or event, please contact Sandra McGuire, Executive Director, at 205.699.5001.