Teacher of the Year

2023 Teacher of the Year - Meg Brantley
Photo L-R: LES Principal Racheal Haley, Meg Brantley, LCS Superintendent John Moore
The Teacher of the Year Award is presented each year at the May Chamber Luncheon for the Leeds Area Chamber of Commerce to a very deserving teacher in the Leeds City School system.
Nominations for Teacher of the Year 2023 will be accepted until Wednesday, May 10, 2023. To submit a nomination, please submit a one page typed letter telling why this particular teacher deserves the award for "Above and Beyond" recognition.
The Teacher of the Year Award 2023 is sponsored by Leeds Area Chamber of Commerce and awarded to Meg Brantley.
The Teacher of the Year Award 2022 is sponsored by Lehigh Cement Company and awarded to Mary Beth Lochridge.

2022 Teacher of the Year - Mary Beth Lochridge
The 2018 Teacher of the Year was awarded to Darlene Bean at the Chamber luncheon in May 2019.

Teacher of the Year Honor Roll
2006: Peggy Pack & Keith Etheredge
2007: Leslie Gilley
2008: Pat Whitfield
2009: Michelle Darabaris
2010: Janet White and Bryan Swift
2011: Stephanie Freeman
2012: Margaret Hughes
2013: Amanda Beeson
2014: Samantha Austin
2015: Johannah Hudson
2016: Cassie Pulliam
2017: Kyoung Cox
2018: Darlene Bean
2022: Mary Beth Lochridge
2023: Meg Brantley
Thank you for caring enough to participate in this program!

If you would like to submit a nomination for Teacher of the Year, you may download the form and fax or deliver it to the Chamber office with your nomination enclosed by May 1st. For more information about the Teacher of the Year Award, please contact Amy Lee, Executive Director, at 205.699.5001.
Leeds Area Chamber of Commerce is 'Leeding' the Way
7901 Parkway Drive
P. O. Box 900
Leeds, Alabama 35094
Ofc: 205.699.5001
Cell: 659.297.5644